Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Madi's First Bath and Micah Plants a Tree

Sorry it's taken so long to get new pictures of the kids posted, but with the move to our new house both our cameras were MIA for a while... We are finally finding things, and so here are some pics... GG gave Madi her first bath on her one week birthday. Micah helped, and he loves to help with anything that has to do with Madi. He has adjusted to our new addition very well... Much better than I was anticipating. We have had lots of projects going on at the house, but Micah's favorite by far has been planting our trees! He was mud from head to toe for two days straight, and he couldn't have been happier!!

1 comment:

Whitney said...

Oh my goodness Melissa! You have such a cute family! The picture of Madi in that pink dress... yep, our little girl has it in blue. They are destined to be friends!