Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hoppy Easter!

I can hardly believe that it is already Easter...

We expected to be home in Arkansas with daddy for Easter, but the NICU asked me to work another week, so instead we spent Easter with GG and Grandpa D! Madi tried her Easter treat (a baby biscuit) a day early... she liked it until it started breaking into pieces. You can see in the pictures how she felt about it then.

Grace and Austin White hid Easter eggs for Micah. He was so cute once he got the hang of finding them... When we were all done, he asked "Again?" But he quickly lost interest as soon as he figured out there was candy inside the eggs.

Micah got two Easter baskets this year (GG won one at work), and he had a great time opening all his treasures! When he was finished, he started showing Grandpa D all his stuff... Grandpa D was soon lost in Easter goodies, and had a little childhood flashback. Can you see the enthusiasm and excitement in his face? He started chanting "I've got a golden rabbit (golden ticket)!" Oh, Grandpa D!!

1 comment:

Colleen Smith said...

The pictures are wonderful!! What fun. Micah's hair is getting so blonde with being in the sun. Grandpa D was adorable with the Easter stuff. Miss all of you.